Once upon a time in a distant land, over the ditch and far away lived a little girl named Lisa who loved to create. She came from an incredible community of people who supported and inspired each other everyday. They were a tribe, they were her Whanau; her family. They believed in the magic of planting their crops in sync with the moon, linking the ebb and flow of the soil in tune with the rhythms of the moon. Through this they taught Lisa that food was magic and within her heart she always knew that food was how she was going to make a difference in the world.

One day her great-grandmother sat her down and said to her, “Baby, you make sure that your pantry is always full, because people will remember you by your food not by your wallet.” From this day forward she would mix, whisk and flip; pouring her heart and soul into everything she cooked. Not just to prepare delicious meals but to bring happiness to everyone who would taste her creations. These words always resonated with Lisa, sending her on a journey across the sea to another land eventually arriving at the gates of the Miami Marketta with her incredible food stall; Ka Bao, serving up the most delicious Bao Buns you could ever dream of!

Ka Bao have a sensational menu starring ‘The Sticky Beef’ with homemade relish, pickled cabbage and onion jam, ‘The Crunchy Chicken’ with coconut sriracha, cucumber, mint and mayo and ‘The Vegan’ with fried Halloumi, Eggplant, ginger chilli jam and avocado just to name a few! If that’s not enough to get your tastebuds watering, Ka Bao has recently brought out ‘The Bug Bao’ with fresh Bugs covered in a delectable crunchy tempura batter and truffle aioli. It is a sumptuous heavenly treat!

Not only does Lisa run Ka Bao, she also has a wholesale bakery that supplies sweet treats to different local cafes as well as a stall at the Mudgeeraba markets.

Travelling from New Zealand to Australia as a single mother with two kids and a couple of suitcases, it has been a windy road for Lisa full of unexpected twists and turns but she has built herself an incredible life upheld by a hopeful spirit, carrying the strong values that she learned as a child. Hearing Lisa’s optimism and gratitude is truly heartwarming, “I walk into work everyday and I feel like I have won the lotto!”

​The fairytale doesn’t end there though. It is really important to Lisa not only to be happy herself but to try to help others to be happy too. Beautiful words spoken from her beloved late father inspire Lisa everyday to do what she can to help others, “Whatever you do in life, make sure you give back.”
Lisa currently sponsors several families, providing them with weekly meals to help them get by. She is also setting up a business where she will run workshops for families, teaching them how to create a week's worth of meals from scratch, maintaining a healthy diet on a shoestring budget. She also hopes to pass on some traditions from her Maori upbringing by creating a community gathering of storytelling, inviting the elders to speak to the youth, giving them a chance to tell their stories and pass on their wisdom. This was so important for her success in life and she believes it will benefit others too.

Within a few months Ka Bao has become a big part of our family here at Miami Marketta. We couldn't feel more blessed to have Lisa’s infectious energy and beautiful outlook on life.

You can find Ka Bao here every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 5pm!


